Wednesday's spirit day is "You some kind of wild animal?" Wear your animal prints.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
ISMS was pleased to present a check to Honor Flight of Northeast Indiana from the profits of the Veterans Fish Fry. This will help sponsor two veterans on a future trip.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
honor flight check presentation
The 6th grade students have their best effort in a competitive game last Friday. Congratulations to the teachers.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
6th grade staff v. student basketball
6th grade staff v. student basketball
6th grade staff v. student basketball
6th grade staff v. student basketball
6th grade staff v. student basketball
6th grade staff v. student basketball
6th grade staff v. student basketball
6th grade staff v. student basketball
Tuesday's spirit day is "I'm a l toasty inside." Wear your warm and cozy clothes.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
Monday's spirit day is “If I can't find something nice to wear I'm not going.” Wear Christmas pajamas!
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
It wasn't close in the 8th grade staff vs. students 🏀 game. The staff dominated.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
8th grade staff vs students basketball
8th grade staff vs students basketball
8th grade staff vs students basketball
8th grade staff vs students basketball
8th grade staff vs students basketball
8th grade staff vs students basketball
8th grade staff vs students basketball
8th grade staff vs students basketball
The call out meeting for the spring play is Monday, December 16 right after school in the choir room.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
isms theater call out meeting
Friday's spirit day is 'Stupid. Ugly. Out of date.” Wear your ugly sweater or Christmas shirt.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
Thursday's spirit day is “His hands are cold and clammy, but I think he's kinda ... sweet." Wear your favorite flannel to keep out the cold.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
Wednesday's spirit day is "With his Grinchfeet ice cold in the snow." Wear your festive footwear.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
Save the date for the winter band and choir concert next Tuesday.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
winter band and choir concert
Tuesday's spirit day is “It's because I'm green, isn't it.” Dress in green or like the Grinch.
about 2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
Monday's spirit day is "I don't need anything more for Christmas than this right here: my family.” Dress like your besties and take a fun “family” photo. Send to Mrs. Miller for us to post.
2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
The 7th grade Lady Eagles are ringing the Salvation Army bell at Kroger this evening. They are handing out treats and spreading Christmas cheer!
2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
7th girls basketball
Friday's spirit day is "The ribbons! The wrappings! The tags! And the tinsel! The trimmings!" Wear your festive holiday accessories (necklaces, headbands, etc. ).
2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
Thursday's spirit day is “Your name is Rudolph. You're a freak with a red nose.” Wear red and some antlers if you wish.
2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
Wednesday's spirit day is “I'll make a quick Santy Claus hat and a coat." Wear your favorite Santa hat.
2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
ISMS Student Council spent time giving back to the community Saturday ringing bells for the Salvation Army.
2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School
student council bell ringing
student council bell ringing
student council bell ringing
student council bell ringing
student council bell ringing
student council bell ringing
student council bell ringing
student council bell ringing
student council bell ringing
student council bell ringing
Welcome back, Eagles! As a reminder, there are no students tomorrow, December 3. This is a scheduled professional development day for all of our staff.
2 months ago, WCCS
No School Reminder
Monday's spirit day is "Welcome Christmas. Bring your cheer.” Kick-off December fun by wearing your favorite holiday shirt
2 months ago, Indian Springs Middle School